Table of contents


Hi, I’m Luca 👋

I’m a software engineer passionate about indie hacking. I’m active on Twitter where I talk about my journey as an indie hacker and interact with a lot of interesting people.

In this guide, I’ll describe to you how to maximise the possibility of success of your Product Hunt launch.

I launched my product Hivoe in May 2022, I got:

What is a PH Launch

Product Hunt is an American website to share and discover new products, founded by Ryan Hoover in November 2013.

On the platform, every day at 12:01am San Francisco time (PST), a new competition of products starts, and it runs for 24 hours.

PH is very popular, and a launch on the platform can give you tremendous visibility.

But don’t take it for granted. It’s not just by submitting your product that you’ll get huge traffic, there’s a lot of collateral work.

Your goal

Why are you launching on PH?

PH is well known in the indie-hackers-early-adopters space.